Want to know what you can do for bees? Here’s a talk presented by Overlook Neighbor Rich Hatfield, a conservation biologist at the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation where he works to protect and promote pollinators and their habitat. Rich also helped develop and launch www.BumbleBeeWatch.org, a citizen science website aimed at tracking the status of all of North America’s bumble bees.
Where: Portland REI
1405 NW Johnson St, Portland, OR 97209
When: April 30, 2014 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Presented by: Rich Hatfield, the Xerces Society
This event is free and open to the public!
Bees and other pollinators are essential to our environment. They help more than 75% of the world’s plant species reproduce, and in turn are responsible for nearly one in three bites of the food we consume. While we continue to demand more of their services, the pressures on pollinators are mounting, and many trends are alarming. Come learn how well our pollinators are faring, and learn what you can do to help. Included in the talk will be practical advice on how to convert most any area of land into pollinator habitat, as well as the information needed to participate in our new citizen science project, Bumble Bee Watch, while exploring the Pacific Northwest and beyond!
Register for the event here.