Bring Back the Pollinators Talk

Want to know what you can do for bees? Here’s a talk presented by Overlook Neighbor Rich Hatfield, a conservation biologist at the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation where he works to protect and promote pollinators and their habitat. Rich also helped develop and launch, a citizen science website aimed at tracking the status of all of North America’s bumble bees.

Where: Portland REI
1405 NW Johnson St, Portland, OR 97209

When: April 30, 2014 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Presented by: Rich Hatfield, the Xerces Society

This event is free and open to the public!

Bees and other pollinators are essential to our environment. They help more than 75% of the world’s plant species reproduce, and in turn are responsible for nearly one in three bites of the food we consume. While we continue to demand more of their services, the pressures on pollinators are mounting, and many trends are alarming. Come learn how well our pollinators are faring, and learn what you can do to help. Included in the talk will be practical advice on how to convert most any area of land into pollinator habitat, as well as the information needed to participate in our new citizen science project, Bumble Bee Watch, while exploring the Pacific Northwest and beyond!

Register for the event here.

Pesticide Forum resources

Thanks to everyone who visited Overlook Neighborhood on the National Pesticide Forum tour! It was such a pleasure to be on the tour and meet people from all over the country doing amazing work. If you missed the tour, you can take a virtual tour of Mulysa’s garden at her blog and be sure to mark your calendar for the 3rd annual Overlook Garden Tour on June 28.

We’ve just updated our resource page with the handouts we brought to the forum. Check them out for information about our sustainability group, the pesticide free neighborhood project and tips on starting a bee-friendly neighborhood where you live!

2014 National Pesticide Forum April 11-12

2014 National Pesticide Forum Coming to Portland
Advancing Sustainable Communities: People, Pollinators & Practices 

The 32nd National Pesticide Forum, will be held April 11-12, 2014 at the University Place Hotel and Conference Center at Portland State University.

Register now for this incredible conference! Sustainable Overlook will be giving a neighborhood tour on Friday April 11 and Pesticide Free Overlook coordinator Mulysa Melco will be speaking at the Organic Land Management workshop on April 12.
Keynote presentations, workshops, and plenary panels will focus on solutions to the decline of pollinators and other beneficials; strengthening organic agriculture; improving farmworker protection and agricultural justice; and creating healthy buildings, schools and homes. By working with a range environmental, health, consumer, and farm organizations, we expect to bring together a diverse crowd in order to share our efforts to build local, state and national strategies for strength, growth and health—in line with our conference theme, Advancing Sustainable Communities.For more information and to register, go to In addition to the program, people, science, sharing and strategizing, you won’t want to miss the food! Organic food and beverages will be served for breakfast, lunch and dinner Saturday, and we will have organic hors d’oeuvres, beer and wine for receptions on Friday and Saturday night. Click here for the speaker lineup. Register online today or call 202-543-5450 to register by phone.We encourage you to register in advance to ensure your space and food, but walk-ins are welcome as long as space is available.This Forum is being convened by NCAP and
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