Neighborhood-Wide Yard Sale Saturday July 21 & Free Share Sunday July 22!

Our annual Yard Sale and Free Share weekend is coming up on July 21 and 22.

So far with 25 households participating, and more sure to join in the coming days…

By creating a new life for unwanted items, we are helping to minimize our neighborhood’s waste stream as well as reminding each other of the inherent value and embodied energy that all of these material “things” possess.

Every year lots of great deals abound as we turn unwanted items into newfound treasures.  Mark your calendars and come on out!

This favorite neighborhood tradition is also a great way to get to know your neighbors!

Find all the details here. 

Garden Work Party at Beach Elementary 

Sat. March 17, noon to 5 pm, 2018
Help Beach Garden get ready for spring! The garden has an Oregon native pollinator meadow, annual and perennial edibles and herbs and is the site for outdoor learning for K-5 students. Come help weed, mulch and tend the garden with students, families and neighbors! Tools provided or bring your favorites. Enjoy refreshments and harvest spring veggies to take home!

Volunteer at Beach School Garden

The parents, students and staff at our neighborhood elementary have been partnered with community members over the past year on renovating their school garden and build over 1,000 sq. ft. of pollinator habitat. Food from the garden is going to the school’s community pantry and being harvested by kids in the after school Garden SUN program (Schools Uniting Neighborhoods, a project of Self Enhancement Inc.).

There are lots of ways to get involved!

Thursday, Dec. 7, 3-4:30 pm. Garden SUN wreath making. We need extra hands to help kids make wreaths and swags from materials on site.

2018 – help with after school programing, join a garden work party, help water and harvest over the summer or connect with us to lead a project in the garden.

And – you’re welcome to visit the garden anytime during non-school hours and enjoy the flowers, hummingbirds and pollinators!



Yard Sale and Free Share, July 22 & 23

Our annual Yard Sale and Free Share weekend is coming up on July 22 and 23.

Through reuse we are helping to minimize our neighborhood’s waste stream as well as reminding each other of the inherent value and embodied energy that all of these material “things” possess.

Every year lots of great deals abound as we turn unwanted items into newfound treasures.  Mark your calendars and come on out!

This favorite neighborhood tradition is a great way to get to know your neighbors! Find all the details here. 

Trillium School VBC project and Patton Park Block Party

Info from Planet Repair on The Trillium Schoolyard Project, part of the 2017 Village Building Convergence (VBC):

Trillium Schoolyard Project (map)

The Trillium Schoolyard Project is an ongoing effort to create a built environment that is safe, inviting and “resilient by design,” that is best suited to the flourishing of human community and ecological systems. To build community power around this cause, we want to make a big splash, with a small splash of color. So, we asked art students to create colorful designs that can be painted on the blacktop. One of three blacktop mural design finalists will be installed. Students at every K-12 level will have the opportunity to paint or participate in less-intensive projects, like planting or sign-making. The next day, we will open our schoolyard to the community at-large, in celebration of our block. Our adjacent neighbors will be invited to showcase their goods, services and community projects, and we will have maps available for a self-guided public art tour of the neighborhood.

We will hold two cleanup and groundskeeping events on May 12th and May 26th, from 12-2pm, to prep our site for painting and students for participating in a community build. Interested in a site tour and information about how to get involved during the VBC? Drop in! The installation and celebration are scheduled for June 1-2; all day on June 1st, and from 12-5pm on June 2nd. Community members at-large are welcome to our celebration, which falls on opening day of the VBC. Make us your first stop on your tour of North Portland VBC projects, because we will be handing out maps marked with all the rest. Our staff includes several local musicians, who will play a combined set, and we have invited the makers in our parent community to showcase their works, too; please stay tuned for the final schedule of arts & cultural programming as the date approaches.


Beach School Native Plant Sale – May 11


A Gift From Mother Earth; Just in Time For Mother’s Day!

Support our neighborhood elementary school’s newly renovated gardens. The raised bed garden for annual vegetables, perennial food forest and native pollinator meadow are for use by students, after-school programs  like SUN and Girl Scouts and the community. Shop a variety of native plants for sun or shade.

Thursday, May 11, 3 to 6 pm

Beach Elementary School
1710 N Humboldt St, Portland, OR 97217

Plant Sale Flyer

Permaculture Learning and Work Party – Kid-Friendly!

Saturday, March 18, 11am-2pm

N. Concord Ave and N. Overlook Blvd.

Portland’s first traffic calming Placemaking Project is at the foot of North Concord Ave at Overlook Blvd, next to the big painted intersection. Come re-plant and refresh the groundbreaking planter project with sedums and other ecoroof plants that are low care, low water, high heat, low profile AND pollinator friendly plants. Kids welcome! Make wattle fencing, try honey tasting and have a bee hive visit! Tour the established, 6-year old food producing permaculture site next to the planters, and have fun getting dirty: sheet mulching, installing barriers for cane berries, hugelkultur terrace construction and more digging and planting.

Opportunities to dig and take home some plants (until they run out): Shasta daisies, blue Japanese iris, white iris, black currants, red currants, blackberries (shuksan), raspberries, rhubarb. Bring a shovel and carry home container to dig your own.

Bring the kids! Dress for weather (raingear, or sunscreen and hat if the sun comes out!), and bring your gloves and hand tools if you have them (some available), and a water bottle. Snacks provided.

Sponsored by The City Repair Project and Sustainable Overlook

Questions? Email sustainable @ overlook neighborhood. org

GPS: 3908 N Concord Ave 97227

Successful 2017 Overlook Sustainability Summit!

We had a fantastic turn out last week as neighbors within Overlook came together to Prepare Out Loud with The American Red Cross’ Steven Eberlein.

The afternoon was filled with tabling from organizations including Multnomah County’s Amateur Radio Emergency Service, Dove Lewis, PHLUSH (Public Hygiene Lets Us Stay Human) and Portland State University’s Center for Public Service.

Big thanks to Kenny & Zukes for a ton of donated bagels and shmears, Blend Coffee on N Killingsworth for donating coffee for the day, and to Atomic Pizza for providing a delicious pizza lunch.  Also many thanks go out to the Schools Uniting Neighborhoods (SUN) program operating out of Beach School, led by Cinda Jackson, who helped us to secure the venue once again this year.  Every year we get stronger because of these tremendous partners!


Finally, one more quick note from Steven Eberlein and the Red Cross:

Mountain House has offered a two-week food supply available through the end of April – The coupon code upon checkout is Redcross. Nearly $30 of every purchase supports the Red Cross, so we hope you’ll prepare yourself and support us at once.

If you’re on Facebook, please like our post, tag yourself, comment, like, upload a picture of your newly assembled kit or secured water heater or anything else you might have done.

City Club’s Look at Portland Resilience

City Club of Portland has recently released a draft report that looks at economic, environmental, and social resilience on the scale of our city, with an eye to preserving this special place despite the great threat of a Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) Earthquake that looms on the horizon.  Here is a link to the report and a host of other information:

If you’re interested in how we can make Portland more resilient at a neighborhood scale, check out our upcoming Sustainability Summit on Saturday February 25 that will be focusing on how we can respond together after an event has taken place.   Steven Eberlein from the American Red Cross will be on hand to deliver the keynote presentation.  While the quest for resilience can help to ensure our long term sustainability, a short term benefit is that we get to become even more socially connected as a community and build our own self-reliance at the community scale.  Hope to see you there!

Free Naturescaping Workshops

East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District is offering two great workshops in the neighborhood this spring. Both will be held at Trillium Charter School.

Natural Gardening Workshop: Naturescaping
Saturday, Feb. 4, 2016 from 9 to 1 p.m.
Trillium Charter School, 5420 N Interstate Ave
Registration is now open for this free and practical how-to workshop on how to make your yard eco-friendly.

Registration is required. For more detail and to register online visit  Additional questions? Call 503-935-5368.

Natural Gardening Workshop: Urban Weeds
Thursday, March 2, 2016,from 6:30  to 9 p.m.
Trillium Charter School, 5420 N Interstate Ave
Registration is now open for this free and practical how-to workshop on weeds and how to identify them and how to effectively deal with them without pesticides.

Registration is required. For more detail and to register online visit  Additional questions? Call 503-935-5368.