We had a fantastic turn out last week as neighbors within Overlook came together to Prepare Out Loud with The American Red Cross’ Steven Eberlein.
The afternoon was filled with tabling from organizations including Multnomah County’s Amateur Radio Emergency Service, Dove Lewis, PHLUSH (Public Hygiene Lets Us Stay Human) and Portland State University’s Center for Public Service.
Big thanks to Kenny & Zukes for a ton of donated bagels and shmears, Blend Coffee on N Killingsworth for donating coffee for the day, and to Atomic Pizza for providing a delicious pizza lunch. Also many thanks go out to the Schools Uniting Neighborhoods (SUN) program operating out of Beach School, led by Cinda Jackson, who helped us to secure the venue once again this year. Every year we get stronger because of these tremendous partners!
Finally, one more quick note from Steven Eberlein and the Red Cross:
Mountain House has offered a two-week food supply available through the end of April –www.mountainhouse.com/redcross. The coupon code upon checkout is Redcross. Nearly $30 of every purchase supports the Red Cross, so we hope you’ll prepare yourself and support us at once.
If you’re on Facebook, please like our post, tag yourself, comment, like, upload a picture of your newly assembled kit or secured water heater or anything else you might have done. https://www.facebook.com/RedCrossCascades/photos/a.1542954529333550.1073741828.1538747963087540/1658859297743072/?type=3&theater