The parents, students and staff at our neighborhood elementary have been partnered with community members over the past year on renovating their school garden and build over 1,000 sq. ft. of pollinator habitat. Food from the garden is going to the school’s community pantry and being harvested by kids in the after school Garden SUN program (Schools Uniting Neighborhoods, a project of Self Enhancement Inc.).
There are lots of ways to get involved!
Thursday, Dec. 7, 3-4:30 pm. Garden SUN wreath making. We need extra hands to help kids make wreaths and swags from materials on site.
2018 – help with after school programing, join a garden work party, help water and harvest over the summer or connect with us to lead a project in the garden.
And – you’re welcome to visit the garden anytime during non-school hours and enjoy the flowers, hummingbirds and pollinators!