The workshop on Saturday 6/18 has been canceled. Please check back for more workshops in the future!
Month: June 2016
Carbon Footprint Workshop
My Basic Carbon Footprint: A Free Workshop
Saturday, June 18, 2016 10am-noon 1905 N. Alberta St.
How much carbon are you personally dumping into the air? Figure out what your carbon footprint is (individual or household) at this free workshop. Instructor Mike O’Brien was for 10 years the city of Portland’s expert on green building, and built a showplace low-energy house right here in Overlook.
Everyone welcome. Max 20 participants, please register below.
Gather and bring five pieces of information to the workshop. All of the electricity, natural gas and heating oil consumption figures can be gotten from your utility.
1. 12 months total of electricity used
PGE Customer Service: 800-542-8818
Pacific Power Customer Service: 888-221-707
2. 12 months total of natural gas consumed (if gas heat) or 12 months total of heating oil consumed (if oil heat)
Northwest Natural Customer Service: 800-422-401
3. 12 months total auto miles traveled (each car)
4. automobile gas mileage (each car)
5. 12 months total air miles travelled
Air travel distances:
Register here
Questions? Email
Presented by Sustainable Overlook