Saturday, March 18, 11am-2pm
N. Concord Ave and N. Overlook Blvd.
Portland’s first traffic calming Placemaking Project is at the foot of North Concord Ave at Overlook Blvd, next to the big painted intersection. Come re-plant and refresh the groundbreaking planter project with sedums and other ecoroof plants that are low care, low water, high heat, low profile AND pollinator friendly plants. Kids welcome! Make wattle fencing, try honey tasting and have a bee hive visit! Tour the established, 6-year old food producing permaculture site next to the planters,
and have fun getting dirty: sheet mulching, installing barriers for cane berries, hugelkultur terrace construction and more digging and planting.
Opportunities to dig and take home some plants (until they run out): Shasta daisies, blue Japanese iris, white iris, black currants, red currants, blackberries (shuksan), raspberries, rhubarb. Bring a shovel and carry home container to dig your own.
Bring the kids! Dress for weather (raingear, or sunscreen and hat if the sun comes out!), and bring your gloves and hand tools if you have them (some available), and a water bottle. Snacks provided.
Sponsored by The City Repair Project and Sustainable Overlook
Questions? Email sustainable @ overlook neighborhood. org
GPS: 3908 N Concord Ave 97227