Meadow Planting – March 1 – Friends of Overlook Bluff

There are very welcome signs of spring appearing around the neighborhood! And a planting day from our partner Friends of Overlook Bluff is one of them. This great group is working to restore and preserve Oak savannah habitat along the bluff to the West of the residential part of Overlook neighborhood. It’s a historically rich habitat that is still home to many bird, wildlife and plant species. Be part of the project by coming out on Saturday, March 1st to help plant native seed, rootstock and maintain the plots that have been planted so far. The efforts are part of a bigger goal to ensure permanent protection for this green space that serves as a natural buffer between the rail yards,  industrial area and our homes.
“Our vision is to preserve the last remaining undeveloped parcel of land on the bluff with its majestic, solitary, heritage Oak, to restore native species along the east slope of the Willamette, and to create a series of trails that connect green space from Overlook to St. Johns. We want to protect what remains of a corridor of Oregon white oak savannahs and Pacific madronas that once extended from Vancouver B.C. to California.” – from Friends of Overlook Bluff’s mission statement
Hope to see you there!